JUDAS was chosen by Jesus

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Judas walked with, and was even chosen by Jesus, the greatest teacher and healer of all time and the omniscient Son of God. Judas personally witnessed Jesus heal the sick. The blind saw. The lame walked. The deaf heard. Jesus walked on water and even raised the dead back to life.

After seeing with his own eyes, the phenomenal miracles worked by Jesus, why did Judas betray the greatest man who ever lived? The answer is simple – greed – money. The same scourge which we can see all over the world today.

Jesus was betrayed with a kiss from Judas, the kiss of death. If we asked today, “Does this world want Jesus?”, the answer is No. No because they see in their own selfish hearts the unwillingness to give anything to anyone unless they have a promise that they will get more back. Never mind Christ going to Calvary to give everything for us, to die for the sins of the world.

The world cannot understand Christ’s agonising sacrifice because the world is dark with its all-consuming avarice and specifically, greed for money. To freely give something precious away, solely for the good of others, is far from their hearts. If Jesus thought the same way, the world would end up in hell.

We Christians are supposed to be the Light of this world. I myself do not see this. They have become similar to the world and extremely difficult to tell the difference between them and unbelievers. They have forgotten about preaching Christ and Him crucified on Calvary. Instead the main preaching in many churches today, is compromise and the tickling of ears with the prosperity gospel. This I do not have anything against except when it is continuously, aggressively advanced whilst Calvary is not mentioned at all.

Make no mistake. God WILL hold you accountable when you meet Him face-to-face. What is He going to say to YOU? “Well done good and faithful servant” or “Go away from Me. I do not know you”. You choose. Life… or death?

Servant of the Lord.

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